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I literally thought of that too, haha. I even made a video earlier:

“this is a toxic environment”

You are indeed correct! The creators said they actually write a script for Pikachu, and have him say his name to coincide with the syllables of the words.


Well, at least it’s for bug fixing, indicating that they’re not still adding content or making creative changes.

I’ve definitely thought about Sakurai making a Mega Man game (along with other classic Nintendo IPs besides Kid Icarus). We’re bound to get a new MM game to coincide with the TV show. I don’t have much hope for the show, but there’s a small chance the game might be fun.

This is getting into Sega 32X territory:

It’s another accessory you have to attach to this dongle.

Be careful, the last time someone made a dongle joke he got fired from his job...

I think his voice is perfect for those type of quick product demonstrations that list off bullets points... but not for 15mins or whatever it was. It’s too relaxed and and does the opposite of excite me (and I think a lot of people). It comes off as having no enthusiasm when using a low registered voice and speaking

“Trying to recreate Arceus”

Darn it you got me!!

Pointing that out just makes you look sad and that you can’t take it. All you had to do was reply with “*writing” if you wanted a comeback. That would’ve been the best response by far.

“This takes me back” “TheBitBlock”

Of course not every patent comes to fruition (or most), but you fail to notice the difference. The difference here is that they’re calling out a feature (potentially) before it was mentioned anywhere else. So it’s not like they piggy-backed that off of other websites.

That’s why I thought, but maybe they’re doing a 3DS direct on the 1st of September to push it out there, because they’re going to have an NX one later in the month.

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“Debunked” but then a patent for detachable controllers came out literally a month later. It’s about as much “proof” as you’ll get until we get pictures (which even then as we saw with the 3D printed controller can’t really be trusted).

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In trying to find something better (one of the Yokai Watch songs) I found something much, much worse... the English translation!