
Are you:

Making other people sick is not a personal decision.

How about not smoking in public areas, restaurants, schools and hospitals? Boy, if the government forbid that, I bet you’d really get upset, right?!

I know you’re not coming at this in good faith, but let me give you a real example: I’m allergic to the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. If I receive it, I get hives that have a nasty tendency of spreading into systems I need to live. So, I rely on herd immunity to compensate for that fact; if a critical mass of

There is no individual right to spread a preventable deadly disease to others.

If you were anything other than an obnoxious troll you’d know that the measles vaccine is 97% effective. No do us all a favor and go die in a fire.

Probably busy getting an actual toxin injected into her face

I am as pro-vaccination as anyone

OK- we can just say they are not allowed to use any public facilities, including streets, sidewalks, schools, etc.

They should put a bounty on the kids and let you hunt them through the streets with an airgun loaded with a vaccinated dart.

Seriously, what’s with the constant references (real or not) to women attacking him!? I’ve worked in a high school (not far from west Bend, actually, with similar demographics) for 15 years and I can count on one hand the # of times we’ve had a girl hit a guy: one because the guy spread rumors that he had nudes of her

i don’t get this complain. Read them when you finished watching the episode? Or is someone pointing a gun at you to read them all at once?




Sorry, but yeah, it is.

I’m hoping some of these are on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Sadly there are no more Kim’s Videos to go rooting around in for these treasures.

Tell us more about how sucking up to a rich dude with thin skin makes you feel.

No, the entire point of the book was that it was a screenplay for this movie.