
#3! All the way!

So, I take it you’d rather not wear a seatbelt or have traffic lights and stop signs? Because of all that government interference?

I’m guessing he knows all this, but, like a goldfish, forget every time he goes online to make the same, tired, answered, defeated antivax points over and over again.

A talky scene with two bearded guys in trucker hats? In an indie film?? Tell me more!


There’s nothing dangerous from me. The worst that will happen is I don’t see his movies any more. I think he’ll live.

Also, hi, Bryan.

Where’s there’s smoke, there’s a pedophile, like it or not. Regardless of how much you like his movies.

That’s true, but how else would we, the dumb audience, know what it is? It’s a bit of screenplay mechanics I can forgive.



You should really just relax.

Go on. Everyone loves a wordy rant from the random guy at the end of the bar.

Angry boy doesn’t like goofy joke about his childhood ghost movie.

BREAKING: Musk requests all the boys get put back so he can rescue them.

Now playing

J.J. Bittenbinder also got spoofed by Mr. Show, with Bob Odenkirk as F. F. Woodycooks shaking the Crime Stick.

Wow, that is high-level snobbery and gatekeeping. “Stare at wall”. Jesus, what is this, Rick and Morty? Keep you toxic fandom to yourself, mate.

I hear you. We love the show, but there came a point, I think about 5 eps in, when I thought “I hope this starts moving forward in some kind of way”. Then it did and it was great. But it takes some patience to get to the juicy stuff.

Pro tip: you can hate racism in all forms and NOT proclaim your moral superiority. Maybe try a more humble approach next time and not the “am I the only good person here?” strategy.

Were you raised to sound as sanctimonious as possible?