
Weird. From that pic, you’d never guess he was a smug, shitty storyteller.

“even though he’d previously directed two much better films, Jurassic World and Safety Not Guaranteed.”

One thing about the books and the Night’s King dawdling: I’m pretty sure the White Walkers haven’t been seen or even discussed since Book 3. GRRM was too busy with the Sand Snakes and the endless Aegon storyline.

Do people seriously still not know how free speech works? Is this like vaccines and autism, where you have to explain the same thing over and over to people who can’t be bothered to look something up? Hint: it applies to government restrictions, not to being fired for being a racist moron.

So, you didn’t read the article in any way, shape, or form?

I’d like to introduce you to Brock Turner.

I know, it’s almost like he pours his heart and soul into a project and doesn’t like to see it get taken from him. What a drama queen , huh?

Man, if you can’t believe the word of a Harry Knowles-like adult who reviews toys...oh,wait, that’s actually a good thing.


From the reviews, it seems like maybe he should written a better script while he was at it.

Base route? Like, up a mountain? ;)

Do you mean the comet was the coolest? The comet was Hale-Bopp. Or are you just really trying to come off super-shallow?

Way to dismiss everyone’s opinion because you don’t agree.

“I was never a hardcore fan of the original Ghostbusters movies”

Am I the only one slightly distracted by that astronaut’s magnificent hair?

Yes, the books, where the storylines meander incessantly, are far stronger.

*monsters, and agreed.

O’Toole is magnificent in this movie, but cough cough *his singing was dubbed* cough cough.