No austrian death machine?
No austrian death machine?
While the assholes actually don’t represent the whole group they, react the loudest in the group. This is true with literally any group.
My Dad who is 20 years older than Kimmel and finally got into facebook late last year knows what SMH means. You don’t necessarily be super versed into online culture to know with acronyms like LOL, WTF or SMH means, and for being someone like him (supposedly hip TV host) its kinda weird that he didn’t know.
Kimmel’s joke was just a shittier version of Southpark’s.
IF you are a KOF fan, or/and a Castlevannia fan, both.
Probably the same relative amount who looked up “Two Girls one cup” back in the early 2000s.
Pen stopped running it and took a lower position and Rebecca Sugar (storyboard artist) left to make Steven Universe, the show changed noticeably when both of those things happened.
Still not reading.
P.S. Last word
Still not reading.
P.S. Last word
Still not reading.
P.S. Last word
You realize I stopped reading most of what you typed right. I still respond cause not letting you have the last word probably pisses you off.
I didn’t read what you wrote. But I am amazed that you took over a month to reply. I await your next reply to ignore some time in the winter.
Awesome Article, Great Job!
The real losers? Anyone on the internet who isnt a fallout fanboy, cause those bastards wont shut the fuck up about it.