
All the way to the motherfuckin' top.

I got a gang sign for KSTP right here:

Now playing

Professor Levy-Pounds knows what the fuck she's talking about. Minneapolis police - like a lot of police departments - have a history and culture of over-policing, using too much force, and generally acting like racist shitheads in communities of color. Mayor Hodges and Chief Harteau have been working to make

They're in the notorious Buddy Christ gang.

Gang signs aka anything black people do with their hands

RDJ flashing gang signs

OH my god. Could you even imagine the mass hysteria if 1D all got Vasectomies?


This is dumb. I bet they thought they were making some kind of statement with the black dude dressing as a KKK member. And I know that black dude let's his friend say "nigga" all he wants and it's cool because he's one of us.

Trust me: they are.

There are childlocks available on every damn tv.* I, for instance, have FoxNews child-locked on ours.

That's all I'm saying, man. I love dick. I just don't want to get fired.

Sooo you're looking for volunteers??

Which one?

No, they don't.

Anyone who says "Good for him!" or "That kid is so lucky!" or anything comparable can fuck right off. Absolutely disgusting. She deserves to rot in prison.