
I'm not sure how many countries AM operates in, but that's about 10% of the US population. If that's true, it's pretty sad.

I always thought was a scam, and not a real site.

Why did Kanye let her finish?

Was it just me, or does it not sound that bad? She went flat for a bit on the big note towards the end, but otherwise I didn't think it was terrible.

Would you like a side of BENGHAZI with your Doritos® Locos Taco today?

Instead of putting it in nail polish, what if all bars, clubs and pubs just started coating their straws in this stuff instead. Saves people having to dip their nails in the drink and combined with a poster campaign on the walls could be incredibly effective?

they should make straws out of the same material, because I think a lot of people would balk at sticking their finger in their drink.

I learned a lot just now, including a) what shark poop looks like and b) it's, apparently, delicious (to those other fish).

I just Google Image searched "classy lady bear." Why can't those skanky Noble High students dress more like this?

$3500 to inject salt water into your tits?

That is really, really dumb. The saline is not going to look like you will with a rearranged muscle and a bag shoved up in there.

Dear Abby,

If they are racist, delete the "educated" and "great people" parts...

I am pleaesd with the first .gif I've seen on Jez in however long it's been. You represented well.

I realized when I was 15 how incredibly racist and bigoted my extended family is. To the point that I feel as though I am violating my own sense of morality and my own responsibility to the world by associating with them. So when I turned 18 I cut them out of my life. I get questions from people being like oh but…

Excise him from your life like a malignant tumor.

Friend #1 and #2 are assholes. Friend #3 was merely an idiot.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

We don't do ignorant people any favors by enabling their ignorance.