
Seriously! She’s such a trash person. I’m so sick of cranky bitches moaning about “political correctness run amok”, since it’s basically always code for “WHYYYYYY can’t I be a dick to [insert marginalized group here]?”


And Cam Newton. After this past super bowl when he lost, I heard people literally saying that the “good guy won.” Last season, white people especially were writing letters to the team management about how they didn’t like his “flamboyant” nature. And yet, he still did “we’re all the same color”. Dude, these people do

The gesture said nothing of significance. They didn’t pick a side on police brutality and racism. The Seahawks remained neutral, which is a lot like saying nothing at all.

She’s not fooling anyone, her and her team jumped to sign on for this film without checking out Nate Parker and now she’s stuck between a rock and a hard place as she is bound by contract to promote the film. I find it insulting that she wants the people who chose to acknowledge the fact that rape is unacceptable to

Gabrielle Union is a treasure, but even her participation and support will not make me see this movie. I don’t begrudge her, but Nate Parker isn’t getting a dime of my money.

I support Gabrielle Union, but I’m not going to see this movie. I already know the story of Nat Turner, I’m already an activist, I’m already angry and heartbroken and working my ass off to change things. As a survivor, the fact that this movie has violence and rape in it, and was led by a rapist, means that this movie

I’m not giving my money to a rapist, period. I get that Gabrielle is trying to make something positive come out of this, but no, sorry.

Ya know, I’m decent human being who likes engaging in conversations that would hopefully evolve our understanding of things and make the world a better place, but this movie is not for me and I don’t need to see it or support it to be a decent human being doing those things.

Is it ironic that Union is the voice of authority on this film whereas Parker is cutting off interviews? Not sure, but I’m okay with this.

No offense Gabrielle but I still ain't seeing it