
Can we neuter all the white guys?

White fragility and narcissism is the reason why America is about to end (Trump)

I want you to list all the white celebrities that have been the victims of continuous racial assault online from Black Americans. Show those receipts.

White fragility. I get it. Got any more ‘zamples?

“All I have are rappers and musicians”

Not enough. I can already pull from Jezebel’s posts from today numerous examples of white narcissism. IT’S RELENTLESS lol

The narcissism of white people and also straight people - has no competition on this Earth.

Fine asshole. Have fun at the ParTy with tequila and sombreros....Don’t worry Maria will clean it up when you’re done.

Stinks of rancid narcissism which is so prevalent among white people these days.

Leo is like the worst of 1999 x’s yolo + racism and sexism = diarrhea.

I don’t like giving my money to rapists and homophobes, so I’ll pass on this thank you.