
Isnt that what Weyland wanted to do from the start? I've seen some set up like that before somewhere else.

Jago looks like an Adon rip off. Maybe Jago yells Adon Kick when he does his moves.

until a solar flare puts everyones backed up personality on the fritz

I don't get his popularity. I will make sure my kids aren't watching this moron.

I click on links even though it clearly says JEZEBEL

he'd talk differently I think if he had broken ribs

Yeah PC sales would be a good idea for this game. I don't have any of the current console and would prefer to keep it that way

don't believe railguns gauss ect have muzzle flash.

well im glad it was all discussed before I could respond. I assumed it was a gauss related gun. I thought there were a variety of different techs in the game. Its been ages and ages since I played it.

muzzle blast looked more like bullet ammunition to me than some energy weapon. I played the first one and couldn't remember what type of weapons just what it looked like

My work has some nice ones but the stupid things cost 200 dollars.

My work has some nice ones but the stupid things cost 200 dollars.

she's going to get a casing in the mouth doing that

cant decide which is fakest this the moonshine or the amish mafia show. Probably the amish one. People may make moonshine or "illegally" race but amish do nothing worse than shave each others beards off

sooooo Kimmel is wrong except for when you agree with him.

It's worked in S. Korea. better this than throwing a kid in a dumpster or garbage can.

were the nipples magically displaced to her shoulders?

dhalsim or the sf3 boss?

I believe it was one of the first to have special attacks depending on rage/level of damage ect

Good to see Dr.Frankenfurter has a job