
he often is wrong. He likes being wrong. I think he says the earth is flat just to get a rise out of people

This is a long long troll piece. As I said on elsewhere. people have different tastes. The everyone has to like it or its worthless idea is stupid. I think Chamomile is absolutely awful. I dont tell my wife that her taste in tea sucks. She doesn’t like my lapsang souchong. Oh well more for me 

nope these folks do think so. thats why they kicked James Gunn. It had been ages and he apologized

Demolition Man isn’t even a good film. I think there is a reason the director hasn’t done more.    Gattaca is a bit meh too.

Mr.Freeze looks more like a Doctor Who Sontaran to me

she looks like she has gun harness/holster on.

I dont know who is Rose and who is thorn but the stabber is dressed as Jubilee

so she’s friends with Klarion or Klarion hasn’t become evil yet?

Thats not what I said was it. It would be like everyone speaks french but these ships are named after cyrillic letters

He had the very angular hebrew or phoenician on darth vaders chest panel from the start

english speakers call them all alphabets. Alphabet the latin comes from the greek which is based on the alphabētos (first two letters being alpha and beta)which is based on the phoenician where first two letters are aleph and bet. (and aurabesh is based on hebrew or phoenecian which both start with aleph and bet).

Calling it Alphabet squadron really is stupid. They use Aurebesh not alphabets. Which is why I always wondered why the various ships would be called A, B, X. they dont have letters shaped like these ships

Good the flash portal game is too great to lose

They like the allusion but BBC likes owning him even more.

Oh I know. He hasn’t been too over used though unlike Daleks and Cybermen

I blame all of the peanut intolerance in schools

I have no issue with Judoon returning but making them appear like a great old favorite is a bit stupid. They could take some of the old old series aliens and do original new stories with them. Great Intelligence (guessing who that is) is fine too. Cybermen though are too over used at this point

I dont understand why they are even using morbius for a film. There are much better characters. I never understood why the cartoon used him. In 70's and 80s he was barely ever used.

weird hair style might not be hair

Heck the RPG sources mention twi’lek harems he had.