I saw real game play first. If I saw the faery one first I prob wouldn't be interesting in the game.
I saw real game play first. If I saw the faery one first I prob wouldn't be interesting in the game.
I saw Sim CIty 2000 for free and went Wheee! and then I saw it was Origin and went meh.
I found out about this game 2 days ago so ehh. just make it good
It has the character carry over from 1? wow .I love the tiny side stories of all 109 characters. THe secret team movies, the bath house "events". I really love using a team of weird characters. It didn't have Ronnie Bell but her replacement ,her daughter Emily, is pretty dang close.
a bodies natural bouyancy helps it float. I suppose if it was largely carbon fibre or sythentic stuff it would help but it would greatly drag you down. Only thing close I've done is get a crowbar from a pool floor. I dont remember why but it put you off balance
There is a trend for these narrow headed blocked headed robots. I don't know if it started with Elysium or this was just the first movie version of them.
nope. you'd never swim well in the ocean. Probably sink in most bodies of water.
get some pvc pipe and put aluminum tape on it stick it on these lines and pretend its part of the cockpit structure
Confused by this. The first four alone were purely point and click. I had no idea their were 8. Once my apple IIc died I didn't play them for a while
Roberta looks like she hasn't aged a bit.
Its a game that fills a void. I haven't played a good space game in long time. The few there are you are confined to your ship and they make it ultra complicated. I know this isn't privateer like (which with planet exploration would be my idea game) but it might fufill my space exploration needs
too many repeated things but the turtles were fun. I used to set up explosions like the end of this video in Perfect Dark. ahh the good old days
I remember having a hypno with dreameater and thinking he was overpowered (still think he was) on the first game.
The feathered t-rex is bad but was there a new spiny triceratops that was recently discovered?
ha ha "I unplugged the connect..."
yeah its worse than all of the lightsabers with absolutely no guards of any kind. Even in pretend star wars land they dont act like real swords. They dont slide against each other it looks like they sort of stick to each other until pulled away.