shitstain motherfucker

Ignoring something we find discomforting doesn’t make it go away. Better these subjects are handled with more realistic writing, more believable ramifications than to outright declare that bad things are not allowed to happen on TV. Censorship should not be a progressive value.

It’s obvious he wants the money, right? Awfully telling the suit centers on the inheritance and not simply on their right to exist.

You must be new here.

Have you seen the movie? Have you read the script? NO? So I guess you’re just objecting because of latent psychic abilities the rest of us can only dream of.

Thank you. If you think this is a good idea or, “Might not be that bad”, you do not understand cult film in the slightest.

So what do you suggest we do to rally troops in case of a global conflict? Humans haven’t exactly evolved to the point war is no longer a threat, right? Do we simply surrender?

This is the internet. You disparage ANYTHING if you think it makes you seem witty or more cynical than the rest. For a brief shining moment you equate stars or upvotes with the credibility and popularity you obviously lack in your everyday life.

Because he’s publishing photographs of a model he paid to work for him?

Isn’t the cosplayer stealing the likeness for her own personal gain though? She is advertising a photography studio throughout her cosplay photo shoots.

And great grandfather is papaw

So principles are only convenient until a paycheck is involved?

I’m sorry for you if you think the Jezebel comment section is respectful discourse.

Thank you. My family constantly makes fun of me for being a fan of GoT because, “There’s no end-game, it just goes on forever”. These same people are gigantic Walking Dead fans. I do believe the last time we had any real hint at a larger picture was when the crew visited the CDC. How many seasons ago was that?

Thank god for bootleg VHS @ comic conventions.

I don’t think the right gets a fair shake here. That said, my own beliefs are fairly left leaning. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

You mean to try and tell me people use mods that AREN’T associated directly with boobies?

OK, I’ll play.

Hair Fart?!? EWWWWWWW.

Open, honest discussion? On Jezebel? Where any statements made that dare to even question the status quo opinions espoused as gospel are met with a rallying cry of “DISMISS THE TROLLS”? Seriously? Let’s not pretend either “side” wants open honest discussion here.

Can we please at least play the character for a couple weeks before resigning her to an official meta (non)position?