shitstain motherfucker

Can’t stop won’t stop!

You’re awfully angry for somebody WITHOUT ANY OF THE FACTS OF THE CASE! I’m guessing...

Help is available though. There are a number of options. Where in the article does it say anything about her lack of options? Abortion is not illegal, yet. This woman went to the hospital after she did this to her unborn child didn’t she?

I’m confused. Are you guys boycotting this film because of whitewashing or hyping the hell out of it because, reasons?

People actually read the dialogue? I always click thru as fast as possible so I can keep following the arrow to my next objective. Story is for nerds.

Curious what percentage of the players will move to arcade modes with the change to quickplay?

Your TLDR is just as long as the part it’s supposed to be paraphrasing. WTF dude. You broke internet rules. GTFO.

Republicans gonna...

So Roger Ailes gets kicked off Fox, but the corruption is in full effect. I guarantee she was pulled into an executive’s office and given a good talking to. Don’t rock the boat, Kelly, we still own you.

You’re doing the good work. SMGDH

I own a PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS2, Gamecube, PC, and even a retro Atari. Go-to for gaming lately has definitely been the PC. I turn on my PS4 a couple times a week to watch Netflix or HBO Now. It’s my opinion that graphics have come far enough to negate the giant leaps in innovation seen between previous console

White votes are not the only votes that matter but they are very important if you want to win the presidency. Obviously. You can keep playing holier-than-thou rather than building bridges if you want. Democratic candidates will keep losing as a result. You cannot insult people into joining you. You cannot guilt

So we are looking at about a 3 year life cycle between consoles now? PC master race reporting in...

Has protesting changed ANYTHING since the civil rights movement? Have fun. Nobody cares. Your outrage is useless.

Fingers crossed. It’s wonderful to see a fan base and developers come together like this. With toxicity being the norm, nice to see a little comradery.

This is an odd comment to make considering Blizzard’s MO has always been to polish other’s ideas, simplifying them in order to market to the largest demographic possible. Good or bad, they specialize in “popular casual” gaming.

It’s much easier to be a sore loser, name call, and feel righteously indignant while refusing to compromise or respect differing opinions though, amirite?

I am a Michigan Democrat and I voted for Hillary Clinton.

This is excellent information. Thank you for this article.