
I learned something today! Alright, time to pack up and go home.

I thought this movie was about a bakery!

I wish that I had Jessie's troll.

Yeah, I didn't read the article either.

It seems like a lot of people didn't watch past episode 3 before writing season 4 off. It had a rocky start and is more than a little weird, but overall I think it's pretty great for anustart.

Thanks, Mr. Greene. I needed to hear that.

Let's codify this. Who has the AV Club Charter?

Well, somebody had to said.

Don't touche the show, let the show touche you.

Personally I'm way more excited for this than watching Die Antwoord fight Xenomorphs as some kind of metaphor for apartheid.

I think there were a couple good songs when you take the deluxe edition into account. I also could appreciate that he was experimenting with some new ideas, even if the results weren't great. But yeah, it was a pretty forgettable album.

Correction: "Kiss Me a Lot" is terrible.

Take a shit on the floor, Malfunctioning Eddie.

Saturday Kid displeased with Newswire quality, has questions about quotas

Don't touch the clowns, let the clowns touch you!

"Harry in a spiral of depression, turns to the escape of the world of miniature equine aficionado. He produces many a Wine-Out-Of-Nowhere spell, and is drunk every day before noon."

I'm gonna play Getting Drunk on the Beach and Body Image Issues! And maybe a bit of Fallout Shelter.

How about when they were in Mexico and Luanne had the family put on make up to hide it from the Mexican authorities (I think? The details are fuzzy.), and Bobby cried as he applied lipstick, saying it "tastes like turtles"?

The Lord moves in mysterious ways. Sometimes he'll come in at an angle. Other times, he can hover and swoop. Sometimes he can, he can come in from beneath. Like a worm… or mole. The Lord — it's his call how he chooses to maneuver.

The funeral scene in Garth Marenghi's Darkplace is one of the best pieces of comedy I've ever seen. It is a litmus test for friendship.