
I took 4 quarters of music theory in college, and I can tell you that phrygian = Egyptian. And now you know all there is to know about music.

I like this idea, if only because it'd probably prompt Morrissey to write his best material in decades.

Open it up! Dealmaker!


Well, some don't. Adventure Time doesn't have commercials, but unfortunately Venture Bros. does, as well as Rick and Morty.

Lacking excellently.


This reminds me of a kid who called me Daily Oral Sandwich in grade school. See, our language arts teacher did a warm-up every day called Daily Oral Language, and this kid, clever as he was, noted I was chubby and often had a sandwich for lunch. What I was never clear on was why he thought one sandwich a day was

You'll have to buy her book to find out!

The difficulty is mostly in the combat. Getting sent back to the beginning of a season actually isn't that much of a punishment since the episodes are procedurally generated and even the objectives within that episode are randomized. So you aren't actually redoing anything. I think of the seasons more as difficulty

The funniest thing in the miniseries for me was possibly Blake's pronunciation of "burnt bread".

The description of the storytelling here reminds me of how some of the story was presented in The Talos Principle, which was my favorite game of last year by a wide margin. But Everybody's Gone to the Rapture does sound a bit sparse for my tastes.

That line in the review stuck out to me too. I liked the audio journals in Bioshock. They sure beat endless cut scenes.

The ending resonated with me emotionally, but also made me laugh my ass off. So… not sure what that makes me.

Pixel pirates pilfer poorly-profiting property, provoke petulant producers

It's like blue balls… in your lines.

I convinced myself to buy an Xbox One for this game about a month ago, but have since talked myself down.

Uh, I Want to Believe has them living together, sleeping together, and engaging in PDA — most of it pretty early in the movie.


Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out how to best articulate it on my vision board.