
I gave in once the Internet started stripping the second space. Now I'm 10 pounds heavier as a result of the decreased thumb exercise.

Why did Meg want to get Tommy pregnant????

It's this goddamn midwestern politeness!

Friends :)

Well, Ohio has been steadily losing electoral votes with each census, so maybe we'll no longer be the belle of the ball in 20-30 years.

As an Ohioan, I look forward to having everyone pay attention to us every 4 years, and then immediately going back to writing us all off as ignorant (but very polite) pig farmers.

I mean, is that really true? I love myself every night, and still no takers.

It would seem Tommy was a determinist.

Don't tell me how I should or should not repurpose my discarded fruit peels.

Pet clothes are bananas.

Thank you for shining a ray of light on the subject.

I was on a very high dosage of Zoloft for most of middle school and high school. I went off of it near the end of my junior year. I mostly remember realizing how numb it had made me, and not knowing how to handle the strong emotions which would randomly flood my consciousness since I had stopped taking it. There were

And here I thought it was a sex doll.

Weren't they trying to look Matt up at the visitor center, but couldn't find a record of him? Then after that I think it had more to do with John not wanting him to come back.

"Oh, boo hoo, my parents were murdered in front of me!" Grow up, Wayne.

My solution is to start a weird sex cult. I'd be safe to pursue my life as usual until all my acolytes were dead, then I'd just have to find some more.

I didn't think her career was that great after the show.

I saw holograms in the Gringotts ride at Universal Studios. Took me a while to realize what I was seeing. They aren't exactly realistic looking since they are see-through, but it is pretty neat. Basically it looks like images projected onto 3D space.

I think you forgot a comma after "fucking".

Huh, so that's how Canadians spell "fuck".