
Thank you! I missed that when I watched the episode.

I couldn't stop thinking about that for most of the rest of the episode, and then I realized I have a real problem.

Yeah, I thought the episode was commenting on factory farming, and had some pretty horrific implications under the surface. I'm surprised this review just glossed over that. The news whale musing that they are basically the monsters in a dystopian novel was a dead giveaway.

"Er uh."

Shut up! [throws controller at wall]

[studio audience woos]

Oh God, is that what happened to me?

Who says he's not?

Play lacks all the social integration Spotify has, so it's not a good replacement if you're into that stuff.

Spotify's UI is gross in general, which is why I use Google Play. Also the ability to upload music to the cloud is nice.

OK, so this is a list of directors of American films, rather than a list of film directors who are American? Listicles shouldn't be this confusing!

Kind of strange how in the original interview and this one he insists that he's normal, and now that he has "normal sensory experiences", when they are most likely abnormal, hence his extreme reaction to Comic-Con while other attendees were presumably fine with it. I mean, I most likely would have had the same

It's a little late in the game to start worrying about gratuity.

I'm not sure he was trying to compare Comic-Con to anything. I think he just uttered three unrelated sentences in a row in an attempt to approximate human language.

At my last job we had to take a safety class, and one of the things they went over was backing into parking spots, but it wasn't mandatory. They also gave us this hilarious emergency wheel where you'd choose your emergency from the edge of the wheel and find pertinent advice on the inside of the wheel. So if there was

This is so sad.

I just do the old pull-through.

Maybe we're being too hasty here. Would a network that has no fucking clue what it's doing greenlight The Night Shift?

So never again, then?

Stop! Stop, he's already dead!