
Frank Seymon is my new favorite character. Using his impeccable dental record as a threat, saying things like "I'm feeling a little apoplectic myself", smashing rats. That guy is great.


I can't believe these crass hooligans!

Hey, it is Incest Week here on The AV Club, after all.

Pure applesauce.

Thank you for clearing up who Shrek is.

She'll always be Hispanic Tomei.

Meth cures cancer.

Wow, you must be on at least a dozen watch lists by now.

Whoa whoa whoa, I know tensions are high, but let's not go overboard.

Just goes to show you, kids. All you have to do to be rich is be really, really fucking annoying and film it.

"I had a subreddit, and it was perfect! Perfect in every way!"

"You seem to have misspelled 'important' twice." — Vince Vaughn

I for one would really enjoy it if Frank continued slipping Britishisms into conversation. They should've ended the episode with him saying, "Maybe tomorrow. I'm knackered."

There all is exciting!

Great minds th

Whoops, I think you hit publish before you fini

Pfft, I make more than that in a year!

But now they'll never remember.

No, I think I'd… that crafty bastard!