
I suppose by that logic that is the function of all mammals.

I'm so sick of these corporate monsters.

What happened to him/her/it, anyway?

Oh man, that's terrifying! You dream about A.V. Club writers?

It's almost as if you can't neatly sort people into a handful of categories.

Seems like a missed opportunity for Virgin Air—ehhhh, too easy.

So it's not a court procedural?

I'm having trouble recalling a single scene from season 2 that didn't involve Allison. My brain automatically marks any non-Allison scene as unimportant.

I'd maybe buy him being a savant of some sort, but I don't know about Asperger's. Mostly I just think he's very narcissistic and solipsistic.

Whoa, my comment got removed for no reason. I've arrived!

Well, seems he broke out of the asylum again.

The end was satisfying enough, but mostly I'm just glad I never have to listen to that theme song again.

I know, I know, it's serious.

Kind of, but you don't have to mention nepotism when discussing Cabin in the Woods.

I'm Leaving You for Your Brother, Internet!

I think you can wing it. All you need is a horror-themed word salad garnished with "meta" and "deconstruction".

It's problematic and reeks of cis male privilege. He should have said "gentleperson" and then stopped existing.

You misunderstood. When McConaughey thanked God, he was really thanking himself.

I guess that's how I saw it from the outset, but I'd highlight the acting, directing, and cinematography and maybe downplay the writing even more.

It uses the language of cosmic horror as a metaphor or something, I dunno. All the Carcosa and Yellow King stuff is clearly ancillary, and I'm not sure why viewers were expecting anything else.