
JavaScript Object Notation. Data formats are mating with our women!

How am I supposed to explain this to my shitty son?

They mean TRL, right?

I've never been more confused or aroused.

I can't climax without overpriced peripherals.

I rejoiced when Furbies were re-introduced, because it enabled me to buy them for my nieces and nephews. Such a gift to watch their little faces light up in horror.

I don't know, when I started at my current company I had to sign a form saying the company owned anything I created at any point while I work here — whether it be at work, at home, on a work computer, or my own. I'm certain they'd try suing me if I were in a Pied Piper type situation.

That's hilarious.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongey and bruised.

I think A&E beat them to it.

I couldn't follow the plot.

Ah, two shea.

He died doing what he loved. I won't go into the details, but my father was a very sick man.

An prick!

Female nipples killed my father.

Hmm, I think it could work as an educational special.

How many episodes do you have planned?

To who is this comment directed? Whom do you think you are?

Daddy just needs to get his rocks off.

I think it'd be nice if they cast a pregnant.