
Dark Vader or Light Vader?

Careful, 90% of divorces start with jokes like that.

"Thank you, Florida."

I've been to a couple. He puts on a really good show when he actually shows up. Plays a lot of older songs as well as covers of The Smiths. And the musicians he tours with are generally pretty great (but the guitarist has nothing on Marr when covering The Smiths).

Who stays until 4:59? I'm usually getting ready to leave at 4:30. And I come in late. I'm a loose cannon, but I get results, damn it!

The Vaping Man

I thought that said "hackey" at first. That's the kind of misspelled snark I come here to read.

Wow, I really misinterpreted Ferguson's question for Rahm.

I think I managed to get all the stars. I haven't been the same ever since.

They remade it for the DS. With even shitttier controls.

Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Whabever

I thought it was funny, and I'm not on any drugs, unless you count my natural chemical imbalance.

Alternate headline: HBO has stopped Looking

Next thing you know they'll have their own schools.

What is this? Are you flaunting the fact that you don't know the full definition of "agreeable"?

Rollins is no longer part of my podcast world.

Adam Corolla spoke at a web development conference I attended a couple years ago. His talk mostly consisted of him wondering aloud why he was there while the audience murmured agreeably.

My first job out of college (2012) was working on a website that still supported IE6. I left last year in October, and we were still officially supporting IE7 even though I had stopped bothering a long time ago.

Right Now: La Dispute
Earlier: Man Man
Later: Modest Mouse, Tera Melos, The Throat Clearing of Coworkers

Look, Kevin, I already explained that I had accidentally consumed some dairy and you said you weren't going to make a big deal out of it.