
But that's not how averages work!

One of the voices in my head tells me I look like Jamie Dornan, and frankly I don't like the implication.

That's a good one. I also love "I've Got It All (Most)" for its stripped down Modest Mouse-iness. Oh, and who can forget "Satellite Skin"? It deserves a mention just for "well, happy fucking congratulations".

"King Rat" is in the running for my all time favorite Modest Mouse song.

So I'm assuming Apple paid HBO a boatload for the privilege of a glorified beta, which goes along nicely with HBO's policy of lazy app development. I mean sweet fancy Moses, their web app is still 100% flash.

Whoa, @avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus, no need to get reasonable.

Those 3rd Graders are monsters.

I used to yell that at my parents when they sent me to my room.


Kony 2015?

I never have problems with other patrons either, which is surprising because the theater I go to most frequently is across from a college campus, surrounded by bars, and sells alcohol.

I'm just imagining a stony faced Conan looking out over the audience, grimacing and narrowing his eyes after every joke until the audience laughs nervously.

Reagan Wig Grenade

Sounds like it's worth a try. Good luck!

Are you pursuing some dream, or have you just had enough?

I wasn't doing anything! They caught me listening to Dave Matthews Band in my car, but what they don't know is I was frantically trying to change the channel.

They took away my hump license on account I was white!

So straight white men can still just waltz into HBO and get jobs, but everyone else has to jump through all these hoops?

It's a slight gradient from #F9F9F9 to #F7F7F7. So it's gray.

Well, I'd prefer to float unconscious in nothingness for all eternity, but if I had to choose? Hmm… I'd probably go with my childhood wish of being in the world of Harry Potter.