
…That's clearly a little elf boy.

I have a lot of family like that, and when I confront them about their previous crazy theories never coming to pass, they always say something like, "Oh, you just wait!" or "They found out we're on to them. Now they are going to release Swine Flu in August."

May I suggest The Shingles? Very sexy.

Once again the government has robbed us of our right to choose.

I think this calls for a slight change in punctuation.

I thought the refrain was "insanity" and the rest was gibberish.

Exactly. They ruin it for the rest of us. As a vegan and an atheist, everyone hates me before I even open my mouth to ask them how their day is going and tell them I respect their choices.

Yeah, I'm really more of a vegetarian with a lactose issue. I'm not one of those crazies who think people aren't meant to eat meat. (I think there's evidence we shouldn't eat red meat or dairy, but whatever.) Preachy vegans annoy me just like preachy meat-eaters.

Later, they all died of scurvy.

Eh, it's not that expensive. I spend about $75 a week in groceries.

God damn it.

I'm a vegan, and even I think vegans are crazy. Case in point: me. **Rips off pants, runs through park, screaming, "Why isn't there any wine at this party?"**

Great Job, Internet! is essentially the same as a mother putting her kid's shitty drawings on the fridge.

I've tried listening to podcasts at work before, but I found myself listening to a section over and over without picking up what was being said. Listening to podcasts and reading the AV Club in tandem is just too much work for one man.

I think your keyboard's… fawlty. *Jumps out 7th story window*

When I was a junior in high school, I got some kids in my Chemistry class to agree "molecule" was the secret word. My teacher, of course, said "molecule" within the first 5 minutes of class. After we yelled, he said nothing but sat down at his desk and pouted for the rest of the period.

Not only that, the guy made another for "Pink Cigarette". We might need a new word for this.

I didn't watch Freak Show, but I recognize him from this weird fan-made music video for Mr. Bungle's "Retrovertigo":…

I read "Pixels", and thought what the hell is Sandler up to now?