
I don't think so, aside from the little solo between verses, of course. Like a lot of his stuff the guitars and vocals are doubled and panned left and right. I actually play this on a regular basis and it's fairly standard finger picking and strumming patterns for him — no need for cheating.

He's an atheist Kenyan muslim. Of course he's a dictator.

Well, I suppose I can give it the old college try. Cro… bobo?

Last I saw it, it was hanging out with the milkman and the paperboy. Those two are terrible influences.

He's not American; ergo, dictator.

Elliott Smith soulless? Thats unpossible.

I'll be playing Majora's Mask and Drinking Heavily.

Did you intentionally build this straw man? Why do you have it out for our young, Aspiring Internet Commenter?

I remember several parties in college where porn ended up on the TV or on someone's phone. I think it was always my one friend who is, uh, well… he's a weird guy.

My brother spit in my mouth once when we were wrestling, and I was like, what the heck, man? Wait, what are we talking about?

I'm working on a subdermal chip that will, upon detecting your death, send notifications to all your electronic devices, igniting blocks of C-4 which have been strapped to them. The Shit Rat System is fool-proof.

I know what you meant. I was just giving you a hard time because I am forever a shit rat.

Are you talking about how they spray their samurai juice in their opponents' faces? It's disrespectful; it's discourteous; it's disgusting!

Is this the last season? I don't want to watch it unless it's the last season.

Porn is kind of like Power Rangers. If you look really close, they aren't even touching each other. It's all a lie.

Are you allowed decide whether or not you are being rude?

"We love our bread, we love each other, but most of all we love our butt stuff."

I liked them too. O'Reilly is blowhard, but at least he's fairly self-aware and was willing to play along when he'd appear on The Daily Show. Also once in a while he can actually say something reasonable:…

I hadn't watched Trailer Park Boys before I made my username, so I'm not sure where it came from. I just used to refer to kids in the CSE department at my college as "little shit rats".

Hatin' ⊆ Lovin' ⊆ Batin'