
Ah, that'd do it. I'm not sure who ever thought old asses were a viable print medium.

Problem is he backs it up on over 7,000 floppy disks.

I suppose we'll all be dead by then.

Anything that makes me feel lonely.

I read it and agreed with most of it. I thought a lot of what he said was pretty innocuous, so of course I was convinced it'd produce a shitstorm of epic proportions.

"Amid shit, rats, gyros, and shitty rat gyros (rats are terrible at making gyros)"

The only one of the three that could reasonably be called "prog-emo space opera" is Coheed and Cambria, but even there I'd question the emo.

No one ever talks about banging my mom. What's wrong with her, huh? Fuck you guys.

"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

I think I like The Office US better than The Office UK, but they are very different animals, so it's hard to compare.

Mr. Lahey?

Hey man, it works. You just need to be careful not to try too hard to manifest your destiny, otherwise you might end up with a hemorrhoid.

Good point. Something like Thai food would be really difficult to order for more than a few people. But what a party!

This speaks to a greater problem — why is pizza the de facto party food?

I was at a conference in Chicago last year, and the catering had no vegetarian options. Even the salads had meat in them. They did have a few carrot sticks and celery, so I had that and some plain rice. It was a web development conference, and there are a lot of vegetarians in the CS field, so you'd think they'd

I've been a vegetarian for 12 years, and I love the album, but I've always hated this song — mostly for its utter lack of humor, sanctimoniousness, and, worst of all, the cow in the beginning. That cow mixed with the backing vocals by Helium Morrissey makes it impossible for me to take the rest of the song seriously,

*Sam Elliot puts on headphones, listens to The Smiths*

So is nihilism. I just hook it straight into my metaphorical veins and all my tension melts away.

Nihilism is the opium of the people.