
Same! At least, that's what my mom always told me.

I feel drawn to this movie like a moth to flame. I must watch it. I must understand it.

We only get about 3 months of sunshine a year, what do you expect?

The AV Club
You're having a strangely hostile reaction to all this

The only thing worse than a racist is a racist wearing open footwear.

Is this a… is this an advertisement for an advertisement?

There's always Assy McGee.

Mobin couldn't hack it.

You might want to drink more water.

I'll start one right now, so help me God!

Jesus, I remember when the worst things I found on this site were pun threads. And they were fun, damn it!



Hey man, there's a right way and a wrong way to plug your band.

Unfortunately, "unobtanium" is actually an old engineering joke, so we can't blame him for it. Still plenty to blame on him, though.

Is it too late to make a Napoleon Dynamite reference?

Wow, I made it 5 minutes into that exchange before I nearly passed out due to anger. How far did you guys make it?

Every time I see him, my mind screams "Mel Dwarfson".

The kid actually made the movie worthwhile to me. Especially when he went all Home Alone on his mom. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Age ain't nothing but a number and an accurate measure of how long a person has been alive.