
Throw in a young Sherilyn Fenn, and you've got yourself a deal. Actually, forget the Kyle MacLachlan and the Twin Peaks. Ah, screw the whole thing.

The Dillinger Escape Plan, "43% Burnt"

Seems like an unwarranted level of self-righteousness.

Oh man, that drives me crazy. It's like, your outlook on life is "always be complacent"?

That argument works for just about everything.

They'll never stop The Internet. Have no fear, we've got outrage for years.

I think the puzzles added to the story mostly through metaphorical means. It worked for me, but I've seen plenty of complaints. Doing the puzzles is definitely part of the story, but each individual puzzle is essentially just a puzzle.

Hey, did you happen to see the most sad titted girl in the world? And if you did, was she cryin'?

The Gang Goes America All Over North Korea's Ass

I used to play Prince of Persia every year during the holidays. For whatever reason I associate Christmas with puzzle solving, turning back time, and bloodshed.

I always thought it was his schtick, but I don't know what to think anymore. David, you blowhard!

You really are the most confounding commenter on this site.

Look, Doosh, I don't know if you read through this whole thread, but I've explained many of the things you said here to @rickycoogin:disqus already. I know you oscillate between earnestness and gimmick, so sometimes I'm unsure what to take seriously, but you look kind of dumb here. Your ire is misplaced.

That could very well be. But I don't see why we should just hand wave instances of racism because they don't come from white people. It's still a shitty attitude. I'm not saying it's equal (see my comments above… or below, depending on your sort settings).

That was actually part of my point, but I didn't make it explicit. Racism comes from the same mechanism.

Right. It's more about perception than anything. It's not really about you. Most of the white men I know are broke and powerless.

My dad is almost completely bald on top, and he just keeps his head buzzed. You can barely tell he's bald. Figure I'll go that route if I have to. Then again, none of the men on my mother's side of the family are bald, so I never know where I'm going to land.

The thing about racially charged language is it has more heft depending on what's behind it. So coming from someone seen as having more privilege in society is worse than the other way around, because of history and the potential harm that privileged person could actually enact on the less privileged.

People started calling me "sir" at 23… maybe it's the beard. My hair actually isn't that bad. It's very thick, but I've got a bit of a widow's peak going on — on my way to GOB territory. It's just a shock how much it changed in a short time. I wasn't expecting that until my 30s.

I think his point was more "don't be an asshole" than "woe is me, being white is so hard". Racism is shitty coming from anyone.