
Cleveland is mine, and it owes me an induction.


I really hope that ends up as a blurb on back of the Blu-ray.

To be fair, the source material had even more endings.

Look at what you did, Peter Jackson. Coming out with stink like that poop, you poop-mouth!

IGN is that way —>

I think your enjoyment of Good News and We Were Dead hinges on whether or not you like Ugly Casanova (disclaimer: this is a baseless claim). Your hipster theory is probably pretty accurate, as well. Personally, I don't think Modest Mouse has ever put out a bad album, but I like the earlier stuff more.

I have more negative feelings towards Christmas each year. It's hard for me to separate the hideous consumerism from what is decent with the holiday. Also, last week I had an anxiety attack to "Wonderful Christmastime" while grocery shopping. McCartney should be ashamed of himself.

One less than yesterday!

Ha ha… cable.

They once gave me a "Cynical Movies" category. Even Netflix thinks I'm an asshole.

I'm so behind on Venture Bros., and Netflix won't throw me a bone.

That's great, but I will blow up one of the orphanages in the city every day until they start streaming King of the Hill again.

If Jesus didn't want me to masturbate, why'd he invent it?

I assume contracts expire, rather than some Disney vault bullshit.

God damn it, Ken! Who let you out of your cage?

I saw the second one with a few friends. Most of us were drunk, and we had to sit in the front row because we got there a bit late. My drunk trekkie friend screamed angrily at the screen during the entire movie while I tried not to vomit because of the 3D, alcohol, and close proximity to the screen. Good times.

I would. Sounds weird when the group's name is a plural, but you wouldn't say "the group are coming back".

"I mean is it a surprise that Modest Mouse is still releasing mediocre albums every couple of years?"

Well, late late night on the AV Club, I'm outta puns and I should have known better.