
That was my initial assumption, but I find little in the way of motive for Jay, aside from him possibly being suspicious of Adnan fooling around with his girlfriend.

I've never really listened to his standup, but I used to hear talk about his rapier wit. Now I think it might be the rapiest.

I'm working on a theory that intelligence is directly proportional to arm length.

This review started out well, but then it kind of petered off.

The perfect stunt casting today would be Michael Jackson.

I just want to compliment you on your very festive avatar. I want to, but I won't.

Now that you mention it, money is dirty as hell. This is probably why I'm so sickly. It'll be a cold day in Hell when I stop, though.

Not me, I really am poor.

My cat is obsessed with me, and I have to pick her up and hold her for 5-10 minutes when I get home from work. If I don't, she'll jump on my back and climb up me. I don't think she's just tolerating me.

I went with Amita for that one. Maybe I'm just a terrible judge of character. This puts a lot of things into perspective.

It took me some time to get over killing animals in games (which then made me question why I can just mow down people in game without a second thought), but the animals in Far Cry 4 are a bunch of assholes. Fuck them.

Far Cry 4 is essentially a sandbox game with a campaign tacked on, so I don't expect much in the way of story or a commentary on violence. That said, the game actually makes me feel bad about my choices whenever I have to choose between Sabal and Amita. Most games that try for that kind of thing don't succeed with

I've found it fairly challenging, but that challenge often comes from feeling like I don't have the right tools or from getting stuck in a healing animation while someone comes around a corner and shoots me. It's been awhile since I played a shooter, though, so it could just be that I suck.

Meechum in the morning,
Meechum in the evening,
Meechum at supper time.
When Meechum's on your detail,
You can have Meechum any time.

Worst Wham! song ever.

If he was a legitimate candidate, he'd have a way of shutting that whole thing down.

Well, I just heard the news today. It seems Scott Stapp has gone insane.

What city? Is your furniture padded? Do you have at least one fire extinguisher in the house?

Speak for yourself. My mom tells me I'm very handsome.

My phone (Galaxy S5) came with an app that can do that. I've used it before when my sound bar remote was acting up. Works pretty well.