
Is the diarrhea being delivered?

I've never played a Dragon's Age game, so I can't really help there. For Far Cry 4, it is completely unrelated to the previous entries, so you'd have no problem there.

Yes, as far as the current generation of consoles goes. I have a PS4, but can't really recommend it yet, and the Xbox One seems even worse off. If you like Nintendo games, the Wii U is absolutely worth the price of admission.

I got Far Cry 4 for PS4 a few days ago, so I'll be playing that. It's a really fun world to mess around in.

The guy clearly knows nothing about weight loss.

Hey, it's the holidays. Fuck everyone!

Yuengling is my goto cheap beer, but I've been getting so many skunky Yuenglings lately I'm reevaluating that choice.

Well, she sure isn't on Team Shit Rat.

God, I wish my mom believed in werewolves.

The Lunar Effect. I'm pretty sure my mom believes in that.

Or knees. I mean, what kind of asshole would engineer these?

I'm assuming you just watched True Detective and her topless scene broke your mind.

No no, it's not like that. I mean, I've got a 5-pack of 11s at home. It's just that you're weird, man. You make people uncomfortable, ya know?

Look, D'Addario, you make pretty good guitar strings, but you're not welcome here.

"Good God, Lemon, that's your worst quadrant!"

Out of service, out of Africa. I wouldn't hang about!

Detectives carry a lot of stuff: badges, gum, receipts, wallets, snacks, a sense of purpose, keys, sunglasses…

Fred Rogers tortured no less than two dozen people to death for refusing to be his neighbor.

He's King Shit of Fuck Mountain. Why would you fuck with him?

He was a very spicy ham. RIP.