
*Hitler puts on an ugly sweater, does a goofy dance, mugs at camera*

That's my favorite episode, but "There All Is Aching" is my favorite review. I can't even express how much I love that review.

Is this a gimmick?

Interestingly, the majority of the population requires corrective lenses. So you're actually a 2-eyed freak.

It's in the graveyard slot, barely holding on.

The AV Club
Errant dirty butts

Wasn't he likable in Coffee Town?

I could be wrong, but I think there might still be concern over federal laws.

Anyone who takes marijuana will have to answer to St. Peter.

Let's just cancel the whole city of Cleveland.

It's good to know I've had some kind of positive effect on someone's life today, even if it is just making a stranger laugh at a reference on an article about rape.

I graduated in 2012, so I've only been in the real world for 2.5 years, but the major things I've learned are that no one knows what they are doing, the people at the top probably shouldn't be there, and it's nothing short of a miracle our society functions at all. Also corporations are ruining America, but I think I

"Slept with" is a far cry from "drugged and violated".

I can attest to this, firsthand, that hot girls do indeed exist.

It reminds me of Michael Scott's "I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!"

There all is raping.

Maybe the answer is just go into business for myself: Shit Rat's Drywall and Computation Services, LLC.

I wish I could do a job that was like 50% sitting in front of a computer and writing code, and 50% hanging drywall or something.

I've thought about it a lot, but I always determine it's an insane idea. I think more real world experience would be more valuable than more school. Plus I already have enough student loans to pay back. But what's the price of happiness? Sometimes I think about just throwing it all away and stocking shelves at

I hate ticks. Does that count? Little assholes need to get a life.