

I've had two interviews where, from my perspective, someone acted like a complete asshole towards me. I got both jobs, and at my last job the girl who came off like an asshole became my closest friend there (and turns out she was my biggest advocate during the hiring process). So you never know. Kudos on making the

I second chipotle. It's one of the only fast food places that doesn't make me feel immediately ill (damn you to Hell, Taco Bell!), and it's a godsend whenever I'm in a new city and having trouble finding vegan food.

Poor guy had to get surgery on his bono.

"He got surgery on his" sounds like a weird cousin of the idiom "he'll get his".

My brother works in a prison, and used to take great joy in describing an inmate who was raped so many times he has to wear a diaper. I was like, "Cool, man! Please never talk to me about your work ever again."

I had a similar experience with Coheed. I hated "A Favor House Atlantic". I like it fine now, but I still don't think it's a good representation of the band, and it allowed me to lump them together with bands like Fall Out Boy. "Welcome Home" is actually what made me reconsider them. I bought Good Apollo Volume I,

While I don't think they ever topped De-Loused, the only time The Mars Volta let me down was when they broke up. Antemasque is pretty good, and I'm glad Cedric and Omar are back to being friends and making music together, but it just doesn't have the staying power The Mars Volta did.


I pregamed with ibuprofen, so I was fucking golden, man.

He's been on a real vaccine bender lately.

You should've heard what the were praying for!

(A + A + D(ow) + D) / 4 = C+

All the reviewers have the same word-a-day calendar.

<no i="" am="" talking="" about="" stuff="" like="" this="" with="" empty="" attributes="" and="" no="" closing="" tags="">

What is this? Why do people do this? Is that supposed to be HTML? God damn kids.

I'm imagining the Kratt brothers transforming into animals and shitting all over the set.

Maybe this Nolan backlash is an inception gone awry. The Internet's subconscious it attacking the invader.

How do we know he didn't ask the interviewer to ask him the question?

The home page layout? I think they are rolling out that change. I have the new layout at home, but not at work.