
I really recommend The Unfinished Swan on PS3. I think it's also coming to PS4 at some point.

The same thing happened to me, but it went back to normal after about 10 minutes.

Now I want to see a drummer do a countdown in binary.

Sure, but we aren't talking about those vagrant torsos you keep in your basement.

"It appears that you are literally tearing me apart, Lisa, but it's just an illusion produced by a rig of projectors suspended from the ceiling!"

It was my first hatewatch. I started young.

What's objectionable is implying rape is OK sometimes. The character of the victim is insignificant.

Hell, I'd probably jump off one either way.

So… Mark Hamill?

I always knew you felt that way.

Everybody's doing it!

Me too. I didn't know this show got that much hate. Cross's rendition of "America, the Beautiful" still makes me laugh.

Why do I like him now?

Hmm… what you said was basically "I know you are, but what am I", but I'll go ahead and give you half a point for putting it in your own words.

All I'm asking is that you think up your own insults.

You seem like a fun person.

Moreover, he needs to prove Hitler's supposed atheism informed his actions.

No, not the Rapture! Not the Rapture! AHHHHHH, it's in my town! MY TOWN AHHHHHHHHH!

"You are a rude, thoughtless little pig."

I'm mostly just upset that they called a seat belt a "seatbelt restraint device". I can't explain it, but my reaction to that phrase was visceral and intense.