
(d) 30 Rock

I think my mom is still falling for it (Long story, but she thought I had Aspergers as a teen, and I'm realizing 10 years later that that's a possibility.), but she also believes the phases of the moon affect reality, so I've kind of given up on trying to make her see things rationally.

First Coal, now Velcro. What's this Pizza guy up to?

I am Psycho for this.

Well, "Redaissance" sounds like someone with a cold trying to say "renaissance", so I say we go with "Redaissance".

Contrary to popular belief, most prostitutes don't understand how streets work.

Especially if he does so in his underwear.

Thanks! My niece has actually made remarkable progress in a really short amount of time.

My niece was recently diagnosed with autism, and for a brief period of time my sister started in on the anti-vaccine crap. I had to shut that down. Fortunately, she listened and is now more focused on helping her daughter develop (and accepting her differences) than blaming life-saving medicine.

Well, the joke was that I'm suspicious you are the troll, but in case you aren't…

Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

No, I… wait! Please, I was just asking questions!

But doesn't the very act of posting this pledge go against its intent?

Snape kills Gandalf.

Tip-to-tip really increases efficiency.

He should wear a disguise and go by Curt Holes.

"After jerking everyone"

I wouldn't say he's that good. Everything I've heard from him is very simplistic. That doesn't make it bad, but it doesn't make him a virtuoso either.

I'm too busy enjoying my life and my freedom.

Pitiful. I cast thee out of Mantown, @thecausticgospel:disqus! You may seek absolution from Oswald once you understand this reference.