
Whatever, I'm still going to watch it to see what it's like to do a marijuana.

"Something was pouring from his mouth. He examined his sleeve. Blood? Blood. Crimson, copper-smelling blood. His blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. And bits of sick."

I did not say it! I did noooooooooooot.

Maybe "stay tuned for" was a euphemism for "beware of".


I can't believe this guy is copping Biden now. Get your own gaffes, Kanye!

I swear I spend more time reading about or buying video games (damn Steam sales) than actually playing them at this point. I am almost never able to play a game for longer than 20-30 minutes at a time. But every now and then I come across a weird little game that reminds me why I loved games so much as a kid. Like

I read about the #GamerGate stuff after I kept seeing the hashtag. I thought about swearing off video games in the same manner one might consider swearing off alcohol after seeing or being a particularly drunken mess.

You can see her… voice in that Heavenly Sword movie they made for some reason.

"Well, since you have a recurring character, I'm not sure this is technically an — wait, what the fuck did that minotaur just do to Precious?"

God, who'd wanna be such an asshole?

I'm not sure the network censors would be OK with bestiality.

Pretty good, but you should just have them bang instead.

Ha ha, what a story, Regular Potato Chip!

Ted Cruz has the whiniest face.

Stephen King: Author, dreamweaver, visionary. Plus actor.

What, you're too good for two-day-old bread?

Oh sweet Jesus, I couldn't make it past the third episode.

"On average it was 2 which is why 2% of the population disappeared."

Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.