You could say his goose was cooked when he dropped his gloves.
You could say his goose was cooked when he dropped his gloves.
In most places, you are allowed to defend yourself with a weapon if you are getting attacked, not use a weapon if you are getting into a fight or starting one. it is a minor distinction between self-defense and assault with a weapon.
Not even 15 minutes later I’m still walkin’ down the street when I saw the shadow of a man creep out of sight and then he swept up from behind he put a gun up to my head he made it clear he wasn’t lookin’ for a fight.
He said, “Give me all you got. I want your money, not your life, but if you try to make a move I won’t…
I can see it now, “Alexa, show me a map to Grandma’s house”
You can literally make one for less than $15 with no special tools., This is what is why the world is so far in debt.
You can literally make one for less than $15 with no special tools.…
Most jews are white, don’t try to act like you are not. Aryans are a special type of white that must be blond hair blue eyed in order to be pure, so the rest of us are just mutts.
Racism is real, it doesn’t matter your skin color, there is more racism now that the lie that non-whites can’t be racist towards whites, and it is not racism unless it is institutional which doesn’t exist in any western country. Shit like this though is stupid and undermines the recognition of real racism, this dumb…
This is a bait and switch piece of shit product, don’t waste your money. It will probably take longer to get it shipped than the light will last once you get it. They show an Ultrafire (not the best light in the first place) light in the article and it is some cheaper knock off on the amazon site. They literally…
This is a bait and switch piece of shit product, don’t waste your money. It will probably take longer to get it…
I hope you get the mental health help you need at some point.
Soo...if it doesn’t end do you promise to still drink the kool-aid? You are a senior writer, huh? I guess they have pretty low standards, here is a picture for your desktop.
You are much more likely to be killed by just about anything else than both these ridiculous reasons, your radicalism is showing.
People really need to learn how to fucking drive, every year winter comes as a complete surprise. Speed limits are the fastest you can drive on dry well-lit roads, after that it is up to you to drive for the conditions. the Comcast guy was kind of a dick also, but what if it was an ambulance, school bus, etc.
The reason the Alt-right defy labeling is because you guys are labeling people that have any opposing views as alt-right and then labeling them any other offensive term you can think of without engaging in any sort of discussion to find out what they are really about or what concerns they have. Nobody wants to engage…
There is nothing wrong with bragging at all unless it is the topic of every conversation or the bragging is off topic. The only people I’ve ever met that are offended when people brag are people that try to do something but fail because they are doing it wrong and won’t take advice, or don’t have the drive to go all…
I think you are missing the fucking point, what someone might do has nothing to do with what they will do, the entire libertard campaign against Trump has been based on conjecture, supposition, and libel with no proof, and this is just more of it. If there is truly no oversight in political office and Trump can do…
Actually, the correct term is “tax evasion”.
Wait, are you saying that you have discovered an illegal act of tax evasion by president-elect Trump that the IRS is too stupid or corrupt to see, or that you don’t understand tax laws but if you frame your hit piece just right most people are dumb enough to infer that there is something illegal and won’t fact check?…
Yeah, after a while it gets tiring reposting the same things over and over for people that are too lazy to do a simple Google search. Go ahead and give Zuckerburg access to all your personal information, it makes no difference to me.
It’s all documented, but go ahead and put it all out there for everyone that want’s it.
The OR cost $600 the controllers $200 the cameras $80, so if you want room-scale with the OR you are spending $960 so you don’t have to deal with tracking issues of 2 camera systems in larger rooms (an issue with wired cameras), you also have to deal with Zuckerburg spyware recording your conversations and rifling…