“There is no joy to be had from this pain.”
It’s probably the most patronizing part!
You greatly underestimate the smug self-satisfaction that comes from watching not-Westworld.
Counterpoint: Show Me a Hero
The point is, you like it because you don’t know any better, and that’s OK.
4) Be a better actor than Amber Heard
As long as the track is the only place private citizens are allowed to operate non-autonomous vehicles, the future will be fine.
Really, the true victim in all of this is Good Design.
Seriously. Can we clarify that this pathetic excuse for a “vandal” attempted and failed to draw their intended symbol?
Little fatso’s growing up so fast.
Why do you want your child to grow up to be a fatty?
Kanye is going to have his work cut out for him in 2020.
Literally anything but cars, you goddamned redasses.
Sorry, but you brought this on yourself.
Go fuck yourself you apathetic piece of shit
But you guys elected Trump...
And, to top it off, they all still have to live in Cleveland!
Post of the Year.