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“The RTR skid plate ensures the vehicle is protected during off-road adventures and the occasional flying.”

$100k cars that are <2 years old generally do not have rattles (unless they’ve been in a major accident). If it was a Sedona I would give it a pass, not at this price point though.

“Yes, but FCA is still worse” isn’t much of a defense.

*shrugs* I’ve never purchased a car that didn’t have some issues (except, oddly, an R35). My Model S was no different in that regard. However, just like any other car, I took it for service and the issues were resolved. My issues have been fairly tame: driver seat side bolster rubbing against the center armrest, the

As someone that owns a light, cheap sports car, I just learned to embrace the rattles, become with with the road noise and weird sounds

Tesla is not a quality product. But expecting that a moving object not have rattles, creaks, and alignment issues shows a disproportionate framework of expectations. Telsa is a ~tech company~ but their product is still a car.

You keep posting bullshit hit pieces from far left sources. You’re the king of confirmation bias today skippy. Grow up and stop getting your news from the left wing’s Alex Jones. You’re pathetic.

Tell that to the Suicide leaders of the world, Japan. No guns, #1 suicide rate.

You’re not too smart, are you? You’re just an emotive ball of crap who believes what he/she believes because it fits your stunted world view, and facts be damned.

It’s not rape. You can and should often blame both partners. Infidelity rarely occurs in a vacuum.

Yet you seem like a joy to work for.

You seem to by implying that carrying a gun makes someone more confrontational, and that’s stupid. Correlation != causation.

Probably a good thing you wouldn’t hire them, I wouldn’t want to be hired by a company that doesn’t understand humor.

Hey look! Fake stats and discredited studies!

You’re the one who needs to grow up. I have two friends who are with us today because they carried a gun and were prepared to defend themselves. I can’t be certain that they’d be here if they didn’t. Your cherry picked fake states ignore the 200-5000 defensive gun uses a

Sorry...what data shows that?

LOL thats the most BS statistic ive ever read. so by me owning a gun i am going to get into more confrontations? And i think the point of a gun is to kill, if i am getting mugged or jumped im not going to just lay there and accept it.

Your “Facts” are the reason the CDC was banned from funding gun studies. Virtually every single one was shown to be flawed in methodology or in the way data was sampled as a means to get a desired outcome. In many cases, the flaw was clearly stated in the study, but those sections are NEVER highlighted in the media.

LOL. Grow up.

There is no data that supports this at all. Only a tiny fraction of gun crimes are committed by licensed concealed carry holders.

That data doesn’t hold for folks who carry guns legally.

Always look close at data that supports your predisposed opinions.

Steam helps.