
So you didn't watch the video either eh?

You are an absolute fucking idiot. You obviously didn’t even watch the video.

Bingo. People keep failing to recognize that the government that they are putting so much faith in to make laws against guns is the same government that FAILED TO STOP THESE KILLERS. Law enforcement was notified multiple times, multiple branches and nothing. It’s the system that failed, not the law and most definitely

Id love to see some information regarding the laws that get repealed because a state doesn’t want to go “against the NRA” you make it sound like it’s commonplace and is happening on a regular cadence, but I’ve not once heard of a state gun law repealed for fear of the NRA.

He did. You’re just pissy it’s not the answer you were looking for.

Now that is not fucking true at all. Ask one gun owner that question and see what they say. I can guarantee you it’s not what you think they will say.

That is ABSOLUTELY not true. The problem is that both sides of the conversation/argument are hyperbolic and extreme seeking which in turn means that nothing gets done and creates a stale mate. Neither side wants to give an inch for fear that they will take a mile.

What the fuck are you on about. Ammosexuals? Seriously?

Absolutely. If we are talking propaganda, that is one of the best things that the left came up with - The idea that if someone owns a gun, they are monsters that WANT to kill people, especially children. It’s pathetic, hyperbolic and insane.

Going for a bit of cleverness in the personification realm. Or something like that.

Srs. I think it sounds like something a hot hatch ricer came up with for ‘mad gripz’ or something. If you have to put wider tires up front then you need to go back and fix some shit stat. Who let this thing out of engineering?

I said the same thing! Now only if they made a 4 door cayman....

255 front and 35 rear? That is a smoking gun. And wtf were they thinking.

Star for saltyness. Coming, at least they put an R in front and gave it more power... Right?

Sounds like a Cayman. With 4 doors? Lol. I thought about turning in my Cayman for one of these for like 10 minutes, but God damn mid engined cars are fun.

Holy shit yes. When the 00 AP1 S2K launched it had 100 HP. PER LITER. That was stupid power at the time. What a crazy crazy time.

Jesus h. That one gave me the willies.

Its funny how some basic auto finance is enough to scare the kids off these days. *Shrug*

While you’re sorta in the same Galaxy, it would take Uber margins to maintain a running net profit on a neat 25% sales slump with inventory sitting there depreciating. In many low margin industries, sales and moving product are everything. It’s all about inventory not getting stale, so in this case, yes, sales means a

Bout half of him got pulled out. The other half was the BBQ.