

Best thread in Jalop this year.

My Gramps had a friend get sucked into an F-86 back in the day before they, meaning ground crew, realized how powerful the suction of a low bypass turbine was. They didn’t have shit for protocols around that stuff. Apparently the compressor took some damage but the exhaust was pretty much BBQ for days.

Lol. You get a star for the most underappreciated comment of the day.

You win this thread. Awesome planes AND the Vulcan in one post. Bravo.

The current higher education system at it’s finest.

I miss the days of NASA producing amazing X planes. I loved that one, the X-29 and the X-31EFM was my all time favorite with the 3d vectoring.

Dayum. A thrust producing ‘canard.’. that shit need to go production stat.

Sooooo.... Still not getting your point. Very many people want Toyotas, according to sales figures year over year, not to even include the Fuji Heavy subset. Ie. Subaru. Even many non-”diehards” buy them every year.

See S2000

I had a rental 300 and it buzzed my ass when the auto braking kicked in. I loved it at first thinking how cool is it that it’s buzzing my ass and not giving me an epileptic seziure and screaming at me. In about 20 miles in stop and go Atlanta traffic, it got old and felt like a knock off massage chair. Couldn’t figure

Serious. Its like these dipshits don’t remember the shit Gawker pulled.

Unions. Great for their time, but time has made them not so great. Unions officially need to go.

 Walmart? Youve got to be fucking kidding me. You really are an ignorant prick.

Absolutely. These dipshits can’t even comprehend why there is anything wrong with this kind of shit.

Absolutely par for the course. These dipshits take all sorts of ethical stands, but when it comes to making some ancillary cash, its no problem! When it comes to something that will give them the inside scoop or slander people they don’t like - hey, it’s no big deal.

Are you fucking serious? You’re pissed off that they are running ads on far right websites and have NRAtv on prime? Now you’re vilifying Amazon because they are trying to encourage sales? Youre vilifying them because they are offering content you dont agree with? Why don’t you do a deep dive into everywhere else YOU

There are several ways - mine increased specifically because of mortgage and pmi caps as well as the commission tax rate. The comp put me in a higher bracket, increasing my overall amount. Now, I’m not complaining, I am able to afford a hike which absolutely makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is that the top 2/1%

$200k a year is NOT wealthy. Not at all. It means you are upper middle, but not wealthy. Wealthy is not having to care about money and 200k you still have to plan very well, especially if you live in a dense metropolitan area where all costs are significantly higher.

It’s funny how they always complain about the millennials when it’s actually themselves that have done all the fucking up and are especially selfish with benefits.