
Yeah. BMW did that. The 4 series “Gran Coupe’”

I’d give both of my nuts for an R.

Porsche did a great job in using the same center console design throughout all of their cars. The Cayman, Boxter, Macan and Cayenne also have the same design. Its flat out excellent.

Yeah. That shit is fucking horrid. HORRID. If I wanted a tablet dash, i’d have stuck my own up there.

I complain when Audi and BMW and Mazda do it. Its fucking horrid.

I totally read “Chinese Hair”.

Pretty much anything pre-996 feels TONS TONS smaller and more ‘pure’, but im talking about in this current ‘era’, I think the best, most manageable (in terms of cost) and pure Porsche driving experience is the Cayman S, hands down.

Gawd I love the 997.2 SC’s. SO SICK.

I dunno, I think they kind of do - its called the Cayman S. I’ve got a 14', manual, basic steering wheel, no nav (but, I do have the Bose stereo. Tunes are a must.)

Yeah... About that.... The classic “cant see with the human eye”. Its been pretty proven that it does vary a bit from individual to individual, but the human eye can see the difference from 60 to 120 and 90 to 144. Not so much from 120 to 144.

But you realize that 95% of the audience isnt serious and doesnt have pro aspirations right?

Yeah... Back in the day I totally and completely bought into the memory stick thing - i’ve got like 2 gigs worth of 128 and 256mb sticks lying around. Now, I did feel like they were the better option - thin, tough and pretty high cap for the time.

Whats wrong with a gin and tonic on the road? LOL - kidding.

Same way other windows roll down - straight down.

Only dickheads get skinny latte’s.

Pretty sure engrish has been around forever and is used for any fucked up English translation from another language. I brought up my Japish because it was specific to Japanese-English translations.

Dude, thats a friggin brilliant idea. Mind if I steal that idea? I promise i’ll give you ALL the credits.

No, you’re definitely not the only one that noticed. lol

Yup - you definitely need to get out more.

“No Bueno” Said the language learning CD.