Across all of their channels, they total a weekly average of like 25 videos a week
Across all of their channels, they total a weekly average of like 25 videos a week
fuck the deadlines
But the thing is, the workers on the game making the assets, etc. are unlikely to be phoning it in. The game’s success determines their continued employment.
It’s not always the shareholders or execs that are responsible for the crapstorm. Kotaku’s very own Jason Schreier has detailed how stuff like Anthem and Bioware’s insistence to use Frostbite, is it’s own damn fault. So sometimes developers are just culpable if not more so than the execs who trust that they’ll develop…
Hard disagree, tbh. BG3 absolutely should be used as a weapon, as it proves an incredibly specific point, which is that publicly traded, shareholder run companies are almost always the enemy of quality. The developers I’ve seen that are preemptively complaining are not wrong, in that players will expect more, and they …
The executives are absolutely the ones who need to be answering for an industry that in recent years has been defined by the repeated release of broken or unfinished products that had no business being put up for sale, blatant cash grabs, and documented instances of workplace abuses. But until people stop giving these…
old man yelling at the kids to get off his lawn
Jumping in head first with some Tears of the Kingdom levels of ridiculous problem solving, I see.
Hey, if one can incite a riot why can’t the other?
This is all stupid, but its also kind of funny/pathetic that this person whose name I did not know until about 2 minutes ago got more people to show up than trump does to any of his shit.
This guy needs to be sent a bill by the city for cleanup.
The completely flabbergasted commentators make it so much better.
I don’t think we know what Post bought it for but I would say the seller took a less greedy route than what was out there. If he just sold it for $2 million and the chance to meet Post Malone, he passed up on putting it up for auction where it would’ve gone for over $2M easily to someone who likely doesn’t even care…
happosai rides again.
Looks like Safety Dance.
That was indeed perfect, I never noticed before how much John Wicks combat style was like a 3rd person shooter.
Xenogears is Square. The director then went on to make Xenosaga and Xenoblade.
I feel like Drakengard is due for a revival given the success of Nier Automata and Replicant. Though I am still hoping against hope for a release of the game with dad Nier or even as DLC to replicant.