Kyoji Shirakani

This entire WoW Classic experiment by Blizz is most likely going to go down in history as the most expensive (and probably extensive) I TOLD U SO ever told to a large group of people.

I would have not only disputed the call, but flat out told the prick to stop trying to find a reason for getting rekt outside of sucking at the game.

Riot basically humored them for the PR. Walking out w/o a union usually results in the next step being ‘sorry, your services are no longer needed’ and you have absolutely no legal recourse.

Next up in the news: Riot lays off over 150 staff.

In this case, if you want actual justice... grab a shotgun and take it.

Nothing ‘micro’ about those transactions.

A Superhot type mechanic/power would be cool.

Dat first reply... OOF.

“When we say ‘no microtransactions,’ what we’re really trying to say is that we’re not trying to nickel and dime people”

“Har har, joke’s on you, she’s actually my father!”

>None have a home on Xbox

But wait! What if the kid has TWO FATHERS?!

Transgender anybody should match up vs transgenders, to be fair.

So your definition of ‘bullshit’ is not because she’s just not a qualified or even decent voice actor, but because she doesn’t align with your woke and broke beliefs? 

Good on them!

Wait for it... Someone will invent ‘TV for streaming services’ ie a service or something of sorts that basically lets you flip through all the various services as if it were cable TV.

Too bad the rest of the game is a horrendous cash grab scam.

I would have done the same.... Taken my vehicle back and simply not told them. They’d be up fully responsible for losing the vehicle and I could make an insurance claim against them and the insurance company will ream them up the ass with the bill for a new car.

Soldier: “Sir, did you know that over 70% of superior officer deaths in the field are caused by stray bullets?”

Some of them at least wait until the babies are 10-12 before fucking em. They probably think it makes a difference.