Kyoji Shirakani

Not surprised at all. After multiple high profile failures in a row, EA need to do something to get back in gamers’ “good graces”. That means give us the token ‘once in a blue moon’ honest game to try to trick ppl into believing they CARE about gaming.

In this one specific case, all you need to know is that to block, you hold backward/away from the opponent. To parry, you have to TAP FORWARD with correct timing.

Amazing you got this far, considering there’s no easy mode.

Oh come the F on... Saying that game developers ‘can’ invest more in the games you love etc is like saying that at the beginning of the ‘DLC era’ that game developers ‘can’ use the system to give consumers more value for their money.

Damn that ramen actually looks pretty good... A lot of these ‘licensed’ food joints profit heavily off the IP licensing and fame and the food is pretty average. 

And then there were corpse runs...

Even Ragnarok realized it had to change and pulled the whole Renewal bit, which of course all the ‘veterans’ and ‘elites’ hated into the ground.

And this is why gacha shit scam games should be officially regulated under gambling laws, or outright made illegal.

When you tower above all your opponents and are effectively the biggest guy in the entire league... you SHOULD average 50 and 20.

I suck at fighting games but I want to win Evo. I can’t win Evo.

Miyazaki would tell him to git gud (or get lost).

Go and get a trainer or cheat engine table for the PC version... turn on ‘one hit kill’ and go through the game that way. There’s your ‘easy mode’ based upon what you’re asking for (scaling, etc).

Every boss has a weakness of sorts that can be exploited by design. Its up to the player to discover this however.

Your absurd little baby lifebar can be upgraded into a nice long lifebar.... and it STILL is only good for 1 or 2 hits from a boss.

Art already IS only accessible to a few people. Don’t delude yourself into thinking it isn’t. Just because art is on display in museums or whatever doesn’t mean its ‘accessible’.

Look at the number of shitty reviews from shit tier journalists out there claiming the game sucks because its too easy... and they’re playing on Easy mode.

You’ll find that before anyone allows that to happen you’ll be pulled down first and cut to pieces.

Coz then casuals and noobs will zoom through the content and then go on forums and say the game sucks because its too easy or that the encounters are weak, etc while playing it on easy mode in the first place.

That’s the beauty of SINGLE PLAYER games. You can choose to play it however you want and you’re only affecting yourself.

Ok so, everything and anything should be dumbed down to the point of catering to the lowest common denominator then?