
We've been using that line for a week, and I believe it was in fact "What kind of wheelchair-hating monster designed this apartment!"

He was on the plane to Austin and got off it and got on a plane to India, no? That's what I thought happened.

You forgot to mention that it was lucky Danny brought his passport to Austin. I know I always bring mine on weekend trips within the U.S.

Yeah, not only did she apparently suddenly have the money to open the clinic, but she had enough cash to decorate it in what looked to be an EXTREMELY upscale fashion.

Doubt it, as the episode was written and filmed long before Isis was in the news so much.

How awesome would it be if it turns out Anna really did push Green under the bus?

In Andrew's talking head segments he sounds like someone who has watched too much reality TV. All the same cliches trotted out. Much more fun to listen to the kids who talk like their natural selves.

You are not alone. My kids and I were commenting on the anagram thing as well. Why not the meat and the fish, instead of two steaks one skate, one steak two steaks? All very Seussian.

I love this show, but every week I must shush the practical side of me until after the episode. For example: Why wasn't Danny's brother at the dinner? How long did it take Danny to get from Ma's to his apartment to Mindy's apartment to the hospital? Did Mindy get that cab to return or was there another one available…

Well, it's a small comfort but it looked like a totally different little girl was playing Marigold this week. Maybe Mrs. Drewes is keeping the original one?

Won't they have to get married now and pretend the baby was born prematurely?

I believe it was an ad for a "cure" for homosexuality. Though it was probably not spelled out quite so blatantly.

Having the white friend know more than Junior about MLK was too reminiscent of the Harriet Tubman episode, though in that case it was Andre who didn't know as much as the white teacher.

Why would it be ironic for someone to have a speech impediment and be a Mensa member?

Just had this random thought: What happened to Cam and Mitch adopting a second child?

I got whiplash from all the back and forth to the airport stuff. Also, the puzzle of how it could be going-out-to-dinner-time in Cali. but everyone would still be at the office during daylight hours in NYC was, well, just better left unexamined.

I for one have been thrilled to see actual gray hairs on Danny this season. Very attractive! I'm so over the bad Miss Clairol dye jobs on many small-screen actors (I'm looking at you, Stephen Moyer).

Loved that Schmidt introduced himself to the lounge guy as "Schmidt." Do we know his first name? I can't remember it if we do.

And how do they get in and out of security checkpoints so quickly? Suspension of disbelief is a prerequisite for holiday-episode enjoyment.

I swear, Danny must travel by tesseract to get to Staten Island from Manhattan so quickly. At least on his way back he was in a cab, typing. (I was rooting for him to write her a recommendation—we all know he has writing skillz, after the letter he dictated to Mindy on the plane.)