
Kind of disappointed that Valyria didn't look as intimidating as mentioned in the books considering it was where lava explosions rendered the lands uinhabitable. Then again, maybe that would have pushed the budget off the cliff.

Apparently you needed bones of titanium and the healing factor of Wolverine considering the amount of injuries kids apparently suffered through Nickelodeon action competition shows.

It was a bit funny for ninjas clad in all black in a desert terrain during broad daylight. Shouldn't they be wearing sand-colors at that point? Anyway, it was nice to see SOME emotion out of Maseo and Tatsu relationship, because they really didn't give them anything to do in the story but to play as the 'those people

I think you meant receipt.

It's a shame the second season doesn't end with this level of choice. I will not spoil it, but it's a bit frustrating compared to how this season ended.

Honestly, I don't really find 'Asian women' to be all that sexualized on TV, much less 'hypersexualized'. Because there just is so few of them and most of them has grown old on screen because they have been the 'go to' Asian women for so many years. But I definitely agree Asian men has been invisible for so long in

Is there some kind of a quota for Felicity emotional breakdowns each episode now? I'm really not digging how Felicity can go from being the reasonable one to completely losing her composure, sometimes all in the span of a single episode.
And this episode had one too many 'Felicity consultations' to boot, basically

I'm glad Laurel is turning out to be reasonable, but I'm not liking why it's happening so suddenly. There hasn't been enough distinct character moments to make that seem believable and them spending too much time on melodrama of the other members of the Arrow team might be a reason why.

Cyclops and Wolverine has the whole shipping thing going on from some of the fanbase for sure. heh
But I really do miss the outlandish and garish outfits of the X-men in the 90s. Very strong-man-style. Like pro wrestlers.

Loved seeing how Peggy was so bewildered at talking to kids like a normal human person should. It seems a lot of Mad Men's characters are so embroiled in the cynicism of their workplace, they just seem to lose the ability to talk to normal people without pretense. It's like an alien trying to learn how to communicate

To be fair, cosmic heroes as a concept is a tough sell as of now because they retain a niche status even on the comics fandom itself. That has been true for male heroes quite a bit as well, where something like Guardians of the Galaxy was on rough standing for decades until the movie really blew things up. Maybe the

Well, Tidus definitely was his own character and not quite a surrogate character. At least not completely. That is why Auron teased to both the players and Tidus that 'This is your story'.

Well, FFX was far from my first Final Fantasy game and I still loved it. I think my first 'culture shock' moment with FFX likely wasn't too different from your experience, and I think that's the cool thing about it!

I'm not very fond of Iris just being the go-to-brat in this show. I don't mind it if she has a point to doing so, but it just seems so phoned in. Like it needs to meet the teen-girl-drama quota of CW. Funny enough, Felicity was the voice of reason this episode. Why can't Felicity be like this in The Arrow when her

I don't know. I rather like FFX designs precisely because how outlandish it was. It definitely made you feel like you were in a truly foreign world.

Ok. Not sure why they had the woman disrobe then suddenly robe again at the behest of the guy. That was really awkward and kind of ridiculous. It seems if men are disrobed, it's fine, but it seems women disrobing is often done very quickly or they always get clothed again. Not sure why this show is suddenly playing

That's cool to me. I did read your comment and I think it has some validity as well. I guess the show still leaves it too ambiguous to make a definite statement on the turn of events. At least for now.

I agree. This is why I feel the process of justice and journalism is important. Nobody should be above the law no matter how righteous the motive may be.

Yes but true blue SJWS are a major problem. I feel people who are in it for their own self righteousness are muddling it for people who wants to pursue the truth not for politics and self promotion. There are people who wants to exploit the situation under the guise of wanting to be the 'better' person. Don't get

I'm a little disappointed that Jimmy only had a very meaningful turn at self reflection during the phone call and talking to Mike at the very tail end of the show. It was still fun seeing Slipping Jimmy onto his antics and go for the one last round with his old friend. The way his friend passed was very sad in how it