
It looks very Sam Raimi to be honest.

It was a bit of a swerve. In that 'off camera' conversation that Hamlin had with Jimmy in the mailroom upon learning that he passed the Bar exam, it seems to have implied that Jimmy got a nasty talking-to from Hamlin. So it doesn't seem to jive with the sudden turn for the better here. Maybe Hamlin still has a nasty

This is why people who just want to jump in on becoming a warrior of social justice should be put at an arm's reach and be looked upon cynically. Even organizations that deal with actual rape victims are extremely upset about this and actually are saying the frat should sue and win a defamation case here. All this

Mike has that martial artist discipline down pat. Doing the least amount of movements and doing them willfully and decisively to put an end to a conflict. Not drawing it out into a lengthy fight if he can help it.

I can see that for sure. But these small insecurities have slowly built up and it's creating a bit of a tidal-wave effect. It may only be Chuck, but it's something that spread like a virus and Jimmy has the whole world looking at him a certain way. It's both quite sad and really unfortunate. As terrible as Chuck is

I think it's because this show railroads despair and dead-end dreariness too much the past 2 seasons and a half. It's not only sex that is put under the bus. It's almost every level of human interaction that gets thrown into the grinder. I mean I get that this show tries to be a drama first and foremost, but it's

The frustrating thing in all this is that it is so obvious that Jimmy was trying to turn a new leaf. He was really trying and there were actual results that were out there. Not something subjective. But an ACTUAL mega case that can involve the Federal government. So his co-workers and friends do? Turn their backs on

Maybe. Perhaps all the movies that pack in the action and comicbooks themselves that go straight into the action warps my expectations.

The budgetary constraints of an average TV show means they're going to rely a lot on the human drama side before they have their 10 minutes worth of superhero material. That seems to be a recurring theme with comic TV shows these days. I'm not so fond of Arrow spending so much time in flashbacks and in mopey CW drama

My issue with Pratt in this role is that he is such an imposing giant, he wouldn't feel like the underdog former Indiana Jones characers were. Pratt is literally a giant.