To be fair, if there is ever a tornado bearing down on Michael Wilbon, I also hope that no one tells him.
To be fair, if there is ever a tornado bearing down on Michael Wilbon, I also hope that no one tells him.
I like how we all kind of poke fun at someone who has no idea of social media culture as if not wading into the soul-sucking abyss that is social media culture isn’t the healthiest thing any of us could be doing for ourselves.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been such a shit to his hosts:
Kids today will never know the struggle.
Passenger: “Do you speak english?”
Pilot: “Oui un peu.”
Passenger: “This is a nice jet.”
Pilot: “Merci.”
Passenger: “You know, during the Falkland Islands... uh... incident, I flew quite a few missions in jets like these.”
Pilot: “Ca c’était quoi?”
Passenger: “Missions, you know, sorties.”
Pilot: “Sortie?”
Passenger: “Yeah,…
64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.
You call hamburgers steamed hams?
Umpire Tosses Dick Who Argued Balls And Strikes; Tossed Ball Strikes Umpire’s Dick And Balls
though he struggled with the pronunciation of Kuznetsov’s name.
I know that due to the massive shitshow that is the constant state of US Politics, this will get overlooked, but there is also a major testimony in a justice Committee here in Canada, about whether golden boy Trudeau interfered with our (now former) Attorney General’s decision on the prosecution of SNC-Lavalin, a…
So there’s only been one story really today and that’s the discovery of one of the three Bethnal Green schoolgirls who ran to join Islamic State four years ago now suddenly, surprise fucking surprise, wants to come home after her little Jihadi death cult got bombed back to the stone-age. Oh and she just wants to live…
UPDATE: Got a great deal on a hotel room through Priceline!
R.I.P. that guy.
My wife of 16 years and mother to our three boys is an only child. I’m going to go call her a fraud and a bad leader and report back my findings.
How big of a moron do you have to be to NOT realize a really large black man smacking the shit of a successful, rich white dude RARELY goes well for the large black man? Presumably DL has SOME insight into those injustices.
But most of the illegal ingredients come over from Tim Hortons and Harveys and overstay.
Now I feel less bad about calling that elderly woman on the subway a whore. I'm pretty sure she's got a few moving violations in her past
Taco Bell will pay for it!
This guy’s a fucking hero.