I bet if it was COVID-15 he wouldn’t mind catching it at all.
We don’t need no algorithm
Sigh... guess I’ve gotta make the point once again: would you wish someone a “Happy Holocaust Day”? Is “Have a Peaceful Memorial Day” too hard to express/too much to ask for?
Pickett was an interesting guy. He was last in his West Point class, but turned into a fairly competent and respected officer, at least at lower levels. And as you mention, he was following orders at Gettysburg, and primarily gets the “credit” because he was the only permanent commander of the three divisions in the…
Including the greatest, most heavily starred comment in Kinja history.
A person complaining about Jalopnik posting a Tesla article -
He was probably distracted by a slideshow
I feel like these takes give the British Parliament and the average Brit too much of a pass on the fuckery that was the British Empire. It’s been a constitutional monarchy for a long time, the last significant thing the royals ever really did without a PM and a powerful House of Commons was pre-Revolutionary War, at…
it shouldn’t be “up for grabs”
They’ll be overtaking the nation of Vietnam soon (population about 96 million, about 76 active cases and falling, I think).
My dad died of colon cancer over 30 years ago at 49. He had a tumor explode in his colon (after ignoring multiple signs), sending cancer all through his lower body and then eventually going into remission. Almost 6 months to the day of him getting cancer, he had a massive coronary that required him to have emergency…
A polyp was found during my last exam. Thank goodness it wasn’t cancerous. They did say, however, that this was was likely the result of stress, which shouldn’t be surprising, because I wound up in the emergency room 10 months earlier on the verge of a stroke because of stress.
I am so sorry! I hope you remain cancer free for the rest of your days - and that you get many more of said days.
American cops are shit. Here’s how you do it. No guns. All Balls. Real men.
I agree that this girl should be home. During the coronavirus pandemic, no one should be incarcerated who doesn’t ABSOLUTELY need to be there: serious violent offenders, etc.